WARNING! Don't Buy Dell & Palantir Stocks

Shocking Truth about S&P 500 Inclusion....

WARNING! Don't Buy Dell & Palantir Stocks

Hey Tribe,

Some of you had been asking me regarding Dell & PLTR because you bought them last Friday after the news of them being included into S&P 500!

I did a quick 5min explanation of what happens to stocks after they have been added into S&P 500.


Instead of jumping into stocks due to FOMO, here are two 9.9 Gifts for you!

Gift 1: Live Trade with me for 2 weeks

Here is a special URL that will gain you access to my Superinvestors Club (SIC). When you join, you will get live trade updates from me with explanation even before I place the trades.

This month, I have been entering 0DTE trades almost daily, making an income of $50 to $200 almost every trade.

You can gain instant access to it by joining it here and then follow the instructions to join the SIC Telegram group.

And this Friday evening 830pm, I will be doing a tutorial on 0DTE, so DO NOT MISS that session, this workshop is worth at least $5000 since that is my typically workshop fees!

Now you get it for absolutely FREE and if after 2 weeks you still want to learn and trade with me, it is only a price of a pair of movie tickets.. $39 per month

Heres the link to the FREE 2 Weeks of SIC https://bit.ly/SIC99GIFT

Gift 2: Tickets to Invisible Influencer Workshop

This weekend, we have a workshop that is retailed @$497 on how to create additional side income.


I would like to extend free tickets to everyone here because Sept is a very volatile month in the stock market and rather than rushing in, I rather you sit at the sidelines and not waste your "ammunition"

But I know it is not easy to sit and do nothing, so I rather you take your mind off and even make some side income to increase your ammunition!

One of the past student made USD$3223 just this month using what was taught. You can grab the tix here! 'Invisible Influencer' Workshop Sign-up Form (google.com)

Have a safe September ~ it is still volatile!

Remember, Size is Nothing, Sizing is Everything!



or to participate.